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 Post Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:23 pm 
Critical Myth

Joined: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:14 am
Posts: 384
MONDAY - (Show #648) - F*** Cancer: Part I

A long In Memoriam list, followed by this week's genre news!

WEDNESDAY - (Show #649) - F*** Cancer: Part II

Covering the bottom shows of the week ending 12 Jan 2015:
2) The Shannara Chronicles 1.03: "Fury"
1) Heroes Reborn 5.11: "Send in the Clones"

Covering the top shows of the week ending 12 Jan 2015:
2) The Man in the High Castle 1.08: "End of the World"
1) Jessica Jones 1.08: "AKA WWJD?"

FRIDAY - (Show #650) - F*** Cancer: Part III

Feedback and Open Topics!


 Post Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:10 am 
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Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:18 am
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Location: Staten Island, NY
(RE: Show 648) The untimely death of David Bowie and Alan Rickman is definitely a dark day for fandom. Personally both losses will sadden my wife and me as we have been fans of their various works over the years. As much of a Harry Potter and Dogma fan as we are, it is the loss of Bowie our Goblin King that has hit us harder. “Labyrinth” was one of the commonalities that first brought us together. Like most children of the 80’s we both first discovered the film at our local video store. We were elated to discover that we both loved the film so. In the pre World Wide Web days of our adulthood we never realized how popular the film really was. A lot of films are labeled with the term cult hit nowadays; most do not really fit the bill though. Just prior to Bowie's passing we were finally able to see just how beloved this motion picture and its King truly are. The Colonial Theater down in Phoenixville, PA (home of Blob-fest) hosted a showing of “Labyrinth.” Now although the showing was a hundred miles from home, having never seen the movie on the big screen we decided to go. As a matter of practice for road trips we bought our tickets online in advance and it’s a good thing we did. When we arrived we expected maybe a few dozen or so hardcore fans to be attendance, we were wrong. Walking into the Colonial was like walking into Comic Con. The theater was packed to the rafters with fans of all ages many dressed up as the King himself. To make amends for its 80’s box office bust Generation X had shown up in mass and brought along their children and grandchildren to enjoy Bowie on the big screen. The young ones were both captivate and frightened by film at the same time. As a father and a grandfather I have never experienced a theater packed with children stay as quiet for so long as during “Labyrinth.” After witnessing such an event it would be fair to say that “Labyrinth” has earned its title as a cult classic. And while it’s sad that the King will not return for any more adventures, the timing of the screening with Bowie’s passing will at least give closure to two members of the X Generation who got lost together in a labyrinth of nostalgia.

Knowing is half the battle......!!!

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