The X-Files 11.07: Rm9sbG93ZXJz
Shannon Hamblin and Kristen Cloke
Glen Morgan
This is the very definition of a stand-alone
episode: it is completely self-contained, adds little or nothing to the overall
mythology, and could even be seen as “filler” by those with less tolerance to
its quirky nature. And in fact, reading
the synopsis from the press release, it would be easy to assume that this was a
gripping modern thriller of an episode.
Instead, it’s a fun commentary on the proliferation of technology, “life
convenience” apps and services run by artificial intelligence, and generally
the current dependence on systems that we barely control or understand.
There is really no monster per se in this
episode, unless one counts the notion of an automated restaurant getting its
allies to terrorize Mulder and Scully for not giving a tip. It’s patently absurd, yet it works because it
wears all of that absurdity on its sleeve.
This is just having fun with Mulder and Scully in a world that they
couldn’t really explore in this kind of way back during the original run,
simply because it didn’t exist yet. Not
to mention that it also explores their semi-relationship at this point without
actually coming out and doing so.
Even more impressive is the relative lack of
dialogue, allowing Duchovny and Anderson to use physicality and body
language. The entire first act is dialogue
free and filled with fantastic performances from both, including a number of
all-too-familiar gags involving cell phones, Instagram-esque posting, and much
more. This is The X-Files winking at its audience and sharing the joke that
modern uber-connected life can be.
There’s really not much to say about the
episode that it doesn’t say for itself.
It sums up, in many ways, the strengths and weaknesses of bringing back
a show like The X-Files so long after
its original run. Never has there been so much blatant animosity and distrust
with the government, so much hopelessness for a bright future. And yet so much of the old conspiracy angle
was born of a different age, and now there is often just a pitched battle to
stay ahead of the curve and the clutter.
It is perhaps fitting that this is destined to be seen as the most
disposable of the revival-era episodes, yet easily one of the best and most
seemingly effortless.
- This episode is insane in the most recognizable of ways
- Not shoe-horning this episode into the mythology was the right move
- The minimum of dialogue allows for a spectacular level of acting and visual storytelling
- It’s inevitable that this episode will be viewed by many as a waste of time
6/3/2020 12:32 AM