The Walking Dead 8.12: The Key
Corey Reed and Channing Powell
Greg Nicotero
I haven’t had much interest in breaking down
thoughts about The Walking Dead since
the mid-season premiere. If anything, it
feels like the pacing of the story is so slow again that there is little reason
to parse things out episodically until they start getting interesting
again. Which brings me to this
installment, which has some very questionable ideas interspersed with some
intriguing departures. Unlike Carl’s
death, which still feels out of place and unnecessary, some changes and
complications are added to the “All Out War” story that add to the suspense.
Many have noted that Simon makes for a more
menacing and terrifying version of Negan than Negan himself, and that sentiment
rings true throughout this episode.
Excepting some dodgy line deliveries here or there, Simon is a lot more
nuanced and manipulative. Some of it is
his desire to cover for his own indiscriminate violence, but his solution to
the problem of Rick’s alliance is what Negan threatened to do time and again,
yet never could bring himself to execute.
It's almost as if the writers are trying to
portray Negan as more sympathetic, perhaps reminding the audience that Negan
was entirely justified in his pointed response to Rick killing dozens of his
people as an introduction. Negan is
unhinged, to be sure, but the writers have failed to underscore that his
methods would be quite reasonable if fashioned in a less self-serving way. Negan’s intentions of maximized survival would
be logical, in fact, if it wasn’t for his practice of making himself a
king. Take Negan’s offer to Rick in this
episode alone: it’s incredibly reasonable given the war taking place, and if
Rick could get past his ego and stubbornness, he might recognize that the “tribute
system” is not too far removed from something more fair, if they could sit down
and actually talk things out.
The writers actually highlight this fact (and the
notion that Carl’s desire to have Rick and Negan come to an accord) by having
Maggie encounter with the women who simply want to share for the sake of a
better future. Suspicion runs deep and
there is much to lose by treating the women as a threat to be eliminated. Taking a more diplomatic route gains Hilltop
a powerful ally who hands them the foundation for a more sustainable
future. In other words, the supposedly
grown men are too busy posturing in pettiness to come to a mutually beneficial
accord, while Maggie gets a goldmine handed to her through kindness.
What still doesn’t make sense, despite the
lengths that the writers have gone to justify it, is Carl’s sacrifice. His choices this season are being used by
Michonne and others as an example of how they ought to be treating each other
and strangers, and yet that’s not something that Carl’s death needed to tell
anyone. It’s not even logical to say
that his example is a grim reminder of what they should have realized by
now. Literally every decision is an echo
of past debates over mercy vs. self-interest, and one can easily imagine the
same debate between Maggie, Michonne, and Enid without Carl coming into the
picture at all.
But this is laying the groundwork for
substantially different paths for the series in the future. One can actually imagine Rick and Negan
coming to terms if Simon is revealed as the true threat in the war going
forward. Negan was stunned to discover
that his attempt at a targeted, clinical message was turned into a slaughter,
after all. Depending on what happens
with Jadis, he could begin questioning his choices in ways that are completely
unexpected and different from the outcome of “All Out War” in the source
material. It wouldn’t shock me if the
writers, especially Scott Gimple, couldn’t figure out how to make Rick’s choice
in the source material make sense, so they felt they had to split the original
version of Negan between this Negan and Simon to deliver a conclusion that left
Negan around for his intended future exploits.
All of which serves to balance out the fact that an episode of The Walking Dead featured a lame car chase that felt like something left on the cutting room floor from a genetic made-for-TV action movie from 1975. The series has done sequences with vehicles before that managed to make sense, but something about the way this was staged made it seem out of place and awkward. Whether it’s Nicotero’s limited directing skills coming to the fore again, or just another symptom of the current production staff’s tired approach, it just adds to the sense that things just aren’t clicking the way they used to during the series’ heyday.
- Some of the departures from the source material actually work rather well this time
- Aspects of the production seem poorly staged or executed