The Bobby Blackwolf Show

726 - 09/20/20 Bobby Blackwolf Show - Twitch Mid-Roll Ads, PS5 and RTX 3080 Preorder Fiascoes

  • We first read some viewer comments from previous episodes about Microsoft Flight Simulator and Apple's game streaming policy for iOS.
  • We launched a new initiative at VOG - VOG Roundtables - where we bring on a panel of content creators to discuss a single news event in gaming.
  • Twitch tested mid-roll ads to be played randomly during live streams, muting the audio and shutting people out of exciting moments. The test concluded after three days, and we have some suggestions on middle ground that could be done.
  • The PlayStation 5 Reveal event was this week, and preorders went live immediately, and left many people not getting one.
  • The next morning, Nvidia's new GeForce RTX 3080 video card went on sale, and sold out before you could buy it, thanks to bots buying all the stock and putting them up on eBay for thousands of dollars. Nvidia says they will make more available soon.
  • Xbox Series X and S preorders will go live on Tuesday morning. The bots are ready to snag all of those as well.
  • Then we talk to OLR about preorders and about the Nintendo 3DS family of handhelds finally ending their production run.

VOG Roundtable on Twitch Mid-Roll Ads

Download the MP3! - 31MB, 1 hour 5 minutes 31 seconds

Podcast by - 9/21/2020 5:29 PM130 views


9/21/2020 6:49 PM

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On Microsoft Acquiring ZeniMax:

Biggest thing since Sony acquired Isomniac.

Wonder what going to happen to the Starfield's timed exclusive on PS5. MS going to honor it, or rip up the contract/refund Sony.

Hope there will be less microtransactions/lootboxes in Besthesda studio games going forward since they're now financially backed by MS.

Seeing Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield being big budget games; wonder if Games Pass will increase in price to make up for development cost

Still skeptical about MS managing studios seeing Rare, but we'll see.
9/22/2020 3:49 PM

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On Xbox Series X/S pre-orders:

Tried to get Xbox Series X for a co-worker at 8am Sept 22nd, didn't get any luck. Slightly harder to obtain than PS5 from personal experience

Heard sales rose up 747% on Amazon for Xbox One X. Going to be a lot of disappointed kids this Christmas.

As least they're got getting Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge...
9/22/2020 5:35 PM

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On console wars (?) next gen.

Things starting to get interesting after MS bought ZeniMax.

Don't think it's cut and dry like previous generations.

It's like the endgame of Monopoly: most major players (publishers) have their properties and we're going into the bargaining phase

I predict that games are going to be bargaining chips now: "If you release this game multiplatform, then we will with this game"

Then there's subscription services (Games pass, live service games) vs owning games outright (physical vs digital).

A lot of choice for consumers, but also them shelling out more form their wallets
9/23/2020 10:45 PM

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On Xbox Series X/S propriety SDD

MSRP is $220 for 1tb. might as well buy Series X (1tb) over Series S (512gb) seeing Series S is all digital and current gen AAA games can be 200gb per game (see COD series for example). 512gb doesn't include required software/firmware to run system. Series X is much more powerful seeing overall cost getting more for value

Still sticking to my theory that Series S is meant for those who purchase 1 game a year like Madden. Delete one game from SDD when new one comes out
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