The Bobby Blackwolf Show

709 - 05/10/20 Bobby Blackwolf Show - Animal Crossing Burnout, Inside Xbox "Gameplay"

  • We open with some viewer comments on the leaks of The Last Of Us Part 2 and on EVO possibly doing online fighting tournaments.
  • I've gotten burned out on Animal Crossing: New Horizons as the daily grind is now just a grind.
  • The City of Atlanta has passed an ordinance to continue denying event permits within the city which cancels the Dragon Con parade, but it is not "Force Majeure" enough to cancel the entire convention.
  • Microsoft's Inside Xbox touted "gameplay reveals" of third party Xbox Series X titles, but had very little human-controlled gameplay.
  • Then we talk to OLR about how I finished Final Fantasy VII Remake and we're now ready to do a spoiler cast.

Download the MP3! - 26MB, 55 minutes 42 seconds

Podcast by - 5/13/2020 4:39 PM584 views


5/15/2020 6:26 PM

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Microsoft's Inside Xbox was disappointing. Expected a gameplay demo form at least the new Assassin's Creed game like how Sony showed actual 18min gameplay of 'Ghost of Tsushima' about a week later.

Just like the Xbox One price reveal, Sony upstaged Microsoft once again.

To quote the gamplay demo:
"If you ever saw a samurai movie you know what to expect. Two warriors sizing each other up, waiting for the other to make the first move"

Even the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo (Running on PS5) had more gameplay

But seriously, hope this a great learning experience for MS. Glad the backlash from gamers happened as the July first party presentation would be a lot better in my opinion.

Hope they show fluid transition from game-to-game in real time off screen as they've been advertising
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