The Bobby Blackwolf Show

691 - 12/29/19 Bobby Blackwolf Show - A Look Back On A Decade Of Gaming

In this mostly unstructured episode, we look back on a decade of gaming headlines from this show. We also award our own Game of the Year as well as discuss some of the most influential games of the decade.

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My top 3 major gaming highlights of the decade

1. PS4 reveal
Didn't expect Sony to 1up MS at e3. Was watching press conference at movie theater; crowd went wild

2. Gamers against micro transactions/surprise mechanics

Got to point where some international governments had to get involved. Especially with battlefront 2.

Micro transactions pretty much hated by most gamers at this point especially with some publishers like EA, bathesda, and Activision trying to squeeze every penny out of gamers to appease investors.

In advent of fast to not existent loading screens next console cycle, heard these companies are switching over to non skippable ads

Love to see what ridiculous PR statement they are going to make as gamers try to pushback

3. Indi revolution
Rise of quantity and quality Indi games.

4(bonus): Bobby Black wolf show, OLR and other podcasts. Thanks for making my commute enjoyable

My personal top 5 games 2019:

1. Pokemon Sword
2. Kingdom Hearts 3
3. Ring Fit Adventure
4. Zelda Links Awakening remake
5. Star wars Pinball

Okay year for games. More hyped for 2020 releases. End of console generation always brings out the best games in my opinion

Top games of decade:
1. Super hexagon
2. Zelda Breath of the wild
3. God of War
4. Last of Us
5. Celeste
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