653 - 03/17/19 Bobby Blackwolf Show - Steam Link Anywhere, Xbox Also Anywhere
- Valve has announced Steam Link Anywhere, which allows you to play your PC games from anywhere in the world - assuming you have good enough internet both at home as well as away.
- Microsoft had an Inside Xbox which was a lot like a Nintendo Direct - including someone who used to be with the G4 television network Back In The Day.
- Microsoft announced that they will be bringing Xbox Live services to mobile games, such as achievements, leaderboards, and friends lists.
- Microsoft also demoed Project xCloud, their foray into streaming games over the internet rather than requiring a download.
- Nobody called in, so chat had me talk about the 1990 Nintendo World Championships cartridge that was in the Twitch background, as well as a beta for Halo: Reach that wasn't actually for the game (it had been out for a year) but for a new disc storage system on the Xbox 360.
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