The Bobby Blackwolf Show

643 - 12/30/18 Bobby Blackwolf Show - SimCity NES Prototype, SEGA AGES: Phantasy Star Impressions

  • We open up with a story about a Christmas gift gone "wrong" and how it could be more of an issue in the future.
  • Netflix has released a new Black Mirror episode that plays more like a Telltale game than a movie.
  • Virtual Console never had anything on SEGA AGES: Phantasy Star in how to present older games to a new audience.
  • The Video Game History Foundation got their hands on a prototype of the NES version of SimCity and have made it available to everyone.
  • Then we take (some technical difficulty) calls about MAGFest, Amazon, and Katamari Damacy Reroll.

Download the MP3! - 25MB, 1 hour 2 minutes 7 seconds

Podcast by - 1/4/2019 6:07 PM99 views


1/5/2019 3:06 PM

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I personally still print out photos. Mostly for special occasions (wedding, newborn baby, graduations, standard family group photo, etc) for the wall or office desk, or if there are free photo print promos*

*Walgreens usally have them monthly

I find selfies, party, vacation, pet and other misc photos are just there to boost up social media cred amongst friends, family and followers and are expendable. No one really cares for them like when showing guests family slideshow pictures in the past. They are just there to view them just to stay relevant within relationship
1/5/2019 3:09 PM

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On previous episode: topic VR. Still on the fence, not enough games that interest me to get me invested

I personally focus on first party, and AAA games.

First party AAA are non existent, and 3rd party tend just to be ports and not built from ground up

Here's hoping PS5 have VR built in
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