The Bobby Blackwolf Show

551 - 12/04/16 Bobby Blackwolf Show - No Man's Sky Advertising Not Misleading, Final Fantasy XV Impressions

  • The Game Awards and PlayStation Experience happened, and other than Parappa The Rappa's 20th Anniversary release, we don't talk about much of it.
  • I picked up Final Fantasy XV after all, and also watched the Kingsglaive movie and the Brotherhood anime, and give my impressions based on the first few hours of the game.
  • The Advertising Standards Authority in the UK ruled that No Man's Sky's Steam page did NOT mislead consumers.
  • Then we take calls about Ni No Kuni 2, more sales, Overwatch winning GOTY, and Pokemon Sun and Moon for vision impaired gamers.

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Podcast by - 12/8/2016 9:14 PM63 views


12/9/2016 11:50 AM

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It's actually ridiculous how much Pokemon Go I'm still playing...:D
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