

Registered: 6/2/2012
Last Online: 11/29/2016
Days Logged In: 374

Forum Posts: 0
Comments: 0
Likes: 0
June Score: 0
Career Score: 825
Login Streak: 1

Amount of Loot: 10
Live Checkins: 156
Podcast Checkins: 2

Loot Stash

VOG Anniversary Cake

It's no lie, you've visited VOG for what amounts to an entire year! How about another year?

Total Found: 1

VOG's Campfire Logs

Log on to the VOG Network this often and you'll never get to see a real campfire. Don't worry, we have you covered.

Total Found: 1

A Phonograph For Archives

You wonder if you can find any podcasts from the early 20th century to play on this thing...Someone should get right on that.

Total Found: 2

An Orange Ferret

Scoozie! Hoo Hoo! Hee Hee! *Giggle*

Total Found: 1

Old Timey Radio

You seem to like listening to the radio, so why not listen to the radio in a classic old wibbly wobbly timey wimey style?

Total Found: 1

A Hot Cup o' Coffee

Get your minds out of the gutter, this classy coffee is made from bottled water. This coffee reserved for our loyal vistors is so good, some think it's actually Kopi Luwak. Um, don't google that.

Total Found: 1

A Tub of Buttery Popcorn

It's the reason the floors at the movie theater are sticky, but they're just so darn tasty...You just can't help it!

Total Found: 1

A Backpack of Holding

Traveling here as often as you do, it sounds like you need a place to store your infinite Loot that you are sure to get.

Total Found: 1

First Time Visitor Chest

You visited for the first time! There's more loot within! To start you off, here's 5 points!

Total Found: 1