Orange Lounge Radio

Orange Lounge Radio 976 - 10/1/2023

A game near and dear to us turned 25 years old this past week, and we take time at the top of our show to reflect on our memories of what Dance Dance Revolution has meant to us over the years. Without it, we wouldn't have this show, and we're excited that the game has had a recent "2nd Mix" life to allow new generations to play it and bond over it. It's not just Memories (get it?) though, as we dive into the weeks news, including a major hack at Sony. Could this be something similar to what Sony experienced in the Playstation 3 era, or is the data that's been breached not that big of a deal all things considered? We discuss all this and much much more on another week of the longest running video game podcast, Orange Lounge Radio! 
Also in the News:
 * SAG AFTRA Video Game Strike Authorized
* Meta Quest Xbox Cloud Gaming Details
* RE4 Remake Price on Cell Phone
* Layoffs at Epic
 All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio!
LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern
Twitter: @olr
Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com

Download the MP3! - 73MB, 2 hours 31 minutes 45 seconds

Podcast by - 10/2/2023 2:14 AM29 views


10/1/2023 10:15 PM

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Memories... oh yeah that whole thing with EXTREME's US version and not being able to unlock it til the promotion with Burger King showed us how?! that Memories?! but yeah anyway huge blast from the past in tonight's episode for sure.

Tonight definitely made me want to look into fixing my Japanese PS2 situation so I can play the games I picked up! (MAX2/EXTREME and Party Collection)
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