Orange Lounge Radio

Orange Lounge Radio 903 - 2/13/2022

A new Nintendo Direct caught us all by surprise this week, where it was confirmed that Splatoon 3 would launch this summer. Also, Square Enix is going to localize after many years a port of LiveALive, which has us particularly thrilled for a reason. New Mario Kart 8 DLC and much much more was announced. We talk about the highlights of the direct, and how we felt about it, as the internet seemed surprisingly polarized on the event. All this and much more news on another week of the longest running video game podcast, Orange Lounge Radio! 
Also in the News:
* Lost Ark sets Steam Record
* Call of Duty will still be on Playstation
* PS5 to add Voice Commands
* Bowser goes to Jail
 All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio!
LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern
Twitter: @olr
Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com

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