Orange Lounge Radio

Orange Lounge Radio Episode 854- 1/31/2021

The Gamestop Stonk news dominates news of the real world with the huge impact it's had on the stock market. Is this a story rooted in gaming culture? And what can we take from this issue that might have an effect on some of the things we read about with gaming companies? We discuss this news and so much more on another week of Orange Lounge Radio! 
Also in the News:
* Issues at Amazon Game Studios
* The Medium Already Recovers Costs
* Konami NOT Shutting Down Games
* Valve Lawsuit Re: Steam Controller
 All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio!
LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern
Twitter: @olr
Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com

Download the MP3! - 70MB, 2 hours 25 minutes 43 seconds

Podcast by - 2/1/2021 2:39 AM116 views


2/1/2021 10:40 AM

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Elementary explaination of gamestop stocks;

Hedge fund bought all houses, hotels
Redditers took all the monopoly money
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