Orange Lounge Radio

Orange Lounge Radio Episode 851- 1/10/2021

It's time to make some predictions in the gaming industry for 2021! Do we think a Switch Pro will really happen? What might that look like? How might social networks meet gaming more in 2021. What sequels do we think could be announced this year? We get into all of these kinds of predictions, as well as the strange and silly stuff too. Our gaming weeks and a trip thru the news cap off another week at the start of another year for Orange Lounge Radio! 
Also in the News:
 * Cancelled 2006 Tomb Raider PSP Game
* Did Microsoft offer to "help" Nintendo in 2000?
* Twitch Changes Pogchamp Emote
* Awesome Games Done Quick Events
 All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio!
LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern
Twitter: @olr
Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com

Download the MP3! - 66MB, 2 hours 15 minutes 39 seconds

Podcast by - 1/11/2021 2:18 AM179 views


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