Orange Lounge Radio

Orange Lounge Radio Episode 826 - 7/5/2020

Something we've been asking to come back to the E3 time of year appears like it might actually be happening again, with Xbox set to unveil many demos as part of Summer Game Fest later this month. This leads into a discussion on bandwidth concerns with so many demos, and could cloud gaming be a great help with this, or not help the situation at all? We discuss all this and much more in a busy news week on another week of the show where every gamer has a voice. 
Also in the news: 
* Joy-Con Issues Brought Up with Nintendo President
* NBA2K21 to set New Prices for Next Gen?
* Fallout TV Show
* No Microtransactions in Crash Bandicoot 4
 All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio!
LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern
Twitter: @olr
Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com

Download the MP3! - 76MB, 2 hours 37 minutes 43 seconds

Podcast by - 7/6/2020 1:45 AM106 views


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