E3 2014 - June 10-12, 2014
Updates From The Show Floor
Mx vs Atv supercross. Features 17 tracks . Online (12 player) and local multiplayer too. Has the famous punk band Strung Out on the soundtrack. Releases on PS3 360 3Q this year, Retail and eshop. Rider and bike controlled separately with different control sticks. Sounds complicated but I was able to pick it up easy. Had fun with it, sort of got an ironman Ivan Stewart off-road vibe from it but with motorbikes. Some interesting features is that the track wears and tears as you race, meaning second, third laps can be a different experience. They seem very aware and appreciative of their hardcore fans and YouTubers. There are different camera views including
Free camera mode, where you can swing the camera everywhere. Going to be honest, I didn't have this game on my radar but I'm going to check it out again upon release.
It's interesting that Nordic Games picked up Planetary Annihilation for distribution because of its origins as a Kickstarter title, but a great development for players looking for it in retail. Is Nordic looking to do the same with other independent games and as a publisher, how do they feel about the whole Kickstarter phenomenon?
Kickstarter "we love it" they don't see it as competition they see it as supplemental funding to invest into the game.
Projection mapping, and additional side quests were possible in Book of unwritten tales 2 thanks to Kickstarter.
Spokesperson seemed really enthusiastic about it, I get the sense they are definitely open to this again.
I noticed you've released Collections of the Darksiders and Red Faction games you acquired from THQ. Any chance of a Summoner collection or better yet a new Summoner game?
I'm marking this no comment temporarily- they are supposed to get back to me this afternoon regarding the part on a summoner collection. (No new summoner game was being shown)
Update: sounds like the summoner collection is happening, but they did not have a concrete date for me at this time. They'll get back to me after E3 so stay tuned :)
E3 2014 is over. See you next time!
I definitely wouldn't mind seeing another Summoner game. Second one was a nice improvement over the first. And thanks for taking the time to describe Unwritten Tales and answering our Q's!
Sorry if my questions are for the wrong games, but despite many a Google, I can't figure out what they have on the show floor.
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6/11/2014 10:53 AM
3902 days ago