E3 2014 - June 10-12, 2014


Location: West Hall #4822, West Hall #5244, West Hall #5644

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Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:16 PM

3898 days ago
Video only!!! Boo...
VxJasonxV's Avatar
6/10/2014 3:46 PM

3899 days ago
The ability to hear the warmth of Nintendo's music anywhere besides the two broadcast booths is really wonderful. Truly iconic.



DarkTetsuya's Avatar
6/10/2014 12:30 PM

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Captain Toad: So the main game is no longer timed, is there also a 'time trial' mode to complete the levels in the fastest time possible?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:37 PM

They aren't answering this yet.
Dungeonbuster's Avatar
6/10/2014 12:27 PM

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Will there be any plans to share levels made in Mario Maker with some kind of 3DS version in the future? Is that something Nintendo would like to pursue?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:32 PM

They actually wouldn't let me ask any questions about this, it was strictly the demo.
DarkTetsuya's Avatar
6/10/2014 10:41 AM

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On mario maker: So will it be primarily based on the original Super Mario Bros., or could we potentially see enemies, items and other things from the other mario titles (Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3)
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:32 PM

They actually wouldn't let me ask any questions about this, it was strictly the demo.
LOKI's Avatar
6/10/2014 10:40 AM

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In Mario Maker, will you be able to share levels with friends? Group levels together to create your own worlds/games? Share/download online? Skins beyond Super Mario Bros. and New Super Mario Bros U? Does it include pre-made levels? Digital or physical release?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:32 PM

They actually wouldn't let me ask any questions about this, it was strictly the demo.
AwesomeUnicorn's Avatar
6/11/2014 3:49 AM

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Yoshi's Wooly World: Will Nintendo consider releasing official crochet patterns for Yoshi et al. as promotional materials for this game?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:13 PM

The person I spoke with would love to see that but they aren't talking any plans
act_deft's Avatar
6/10/2014 12:09 PM

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Will Splatoon have voice chat?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 1:49 PM

"We don't know yet."
darkcharger's Avatar
6/10/2014 4:04 PM

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I don't suppose there is any info on Amiibo release date or price point.
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 1:45 PM

This is all they have announced. (Check gallery)
Flaco_Jones's Avatar
6/10/2014 11:12 AM

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Will the GameCube controller adapter work on all wii u games or just Smash? What about Virtual Console games?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 1:42 PM

They also have not announced details about this feature.
Flaco_Jones's Avatar
6/10/2014 11:13 AM

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Also will the Wave Bird controllers work with the GameCube controller USB adapter?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 1:41 PM

They have not announced the answer to this yet, but I would assume it should work fine. They worked on the Wii.
Dungeonbuster's Avatar
6/10/2014 10:44 AM

Unable to Ask
Can you share anything more on the new open-world Zelda or is it too early to ask? That seemed to be an incredibly exciting direction to take the series and any information that Nintendo can share over it would be great.
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 2:04 PM

I don't see it here.
e3vL's Avatar
6/10/2014 10:10 PM

Unable to Ask
What ever happened to the "quality of life" theme?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2014 1:33 PM

No clue what you're asking about

E3 2014 is over. See you next time!


6/11/2014 2:05 PM

0 0

As far as a release date for the Amiibo figures, I believe they said in the Digital Event that it would launch the same time as Smash Bros for Wii U. Of course there's no solid date on that either, so it's still not much help.
6/12/2014 1:20 AM

0 0

Curiously, I got my answer for Splatoon from another source <_<
It looks like it will have full voice chat but it still not implemented/in the works.


Dunno why the Nintendo rep. didn't know the answer <_<
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
6/12/2014 6:08 AM

0 0

It's because we have no access to actual Nintendo reps, and are just asking people demoing the games.
6/12/2014 10:23 AM

0 0

Oh, still thanks for trying. For the record, I had the answer before you had answered my question here. So don't worry.
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