E3 2014 - June 10-12, 2014

Electronic Arts

Location: South Hall #1601, Meeting Rooms #403A

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e3vL's Avatar
6/9/2014 9:45 PM

Unable to Ask
Mirror's Edge 2: I had a problem with motion sickness from the original game (which rarely happens to me while gaming), having to take breaks after ~15mins sessions to avoid getting major headaches. Before I pre-order will there be better image stabilization in this sequel to elevate the problem I had from the prior game?
act_deft's Avatar
6/10/2014 12:43 AM

Unable to Ask
Will Mirror's Edge keep the structural design from the first game? Or will the city be redesigned from the ground up?
Redertainment's Avatar
6/10/2014 10:51 AM

Unable to Ask
After repeated failures by the team behind NBA Live to deliver on what was expected to be a yearly franchise, skepticism ran high among both ardent basketball fans and casual observers about the most recent entry in that series. What can you say to ardent and casual golf fans to calm their fears about the upcoming PGA Tour game after the failure to deliver on a product last year? What golf courses and tournaments that lie outside of the USA and England will be included in EA Sports PGA Tour?
skie's Avatar
6/12/2014 5:44 PM

Ea sports was all appt only- id need a full interview to get to the bottom of this lol
act_deft's Avatar
6/11/2014 12:20 AM

Unable to Ask
Will FIFA 15 be released on the PS2 for international markets?
skie's Avatar
6/12/2014 5:44 PM

Behind doors, couldn't get appt :/ (couldn't even find a fact sheet lol)
ssj100matt's Avatar
6/11/2014 9:47 AM

Unable to Ask
NHL: The last NHL game to make an appearance on the PC was NHL09. Given that Origin is a viable platform for digital distribution (primarily with the FIFA franchise); Do you see the NHL franchise making a return to the PC sometime in the future?
skie's Avatar
6/12/2014 5:43 PM

Behind doors, couldn't get appt :/
ssj100matt's Avatar
6/11/2014 10:05 AM

Unable to Ask
NHL15: Which features are primarily exclusive to the PS4/XB1 and 360/PS3 versions of the game?
skie's Avatar
6/12/2014 5:43 PM

Behind doors, couldn't get appt :/

E3 2014 is over. See you next time!


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